the taste of head hunger.

Yesterday’s dinner awaited at the kitchen counter; a slipshod medley of ingredients thrown together. Sambal long beans, burdock root with dried, tough, tasteless beef, and my father’s Thai Mango Salad, recurring fortnightly in his current obsession of cooking a single dish repeatedly over weeks. I gnawed on the beef, poked at the beans, didn’t touch… Continue reading the taste of head hunger.

marvel exhibition @ ArtScience museum.

Jet and I headed for the Marvel exhibition at the ArtScience museum over the weekend just past. While I am no *huge* Marvel fan, please enjoy these poorly curated photos of the characters from my iPhone 7 camera. Hehe. When we walked in the entrance, I was greeted by legions of curious exhibition visitors in… Continue reading marvel exhibition @ ArtScience museum.

a curious incident. labyrinth.

Good Friday: where we commemorate Jesus’s death on the Cross, as more than just a historical event, but a truth which is the foundation of our choice of faith in Christ alone. Monotheism makes sense to the human-minded me. I imagine the gods fighting amongst which sinful soul to punish or reward and the thought… Continue reading a curious incident. labyrinth.

my relationship with pouch/bag dimensions.

I have a problem with downsizing. If you have ever seen my previous wallet which I was using, many scoffed and guffawed when I drew it out of my bag and called it, “My wallet” affectionately. “My wallet” was basically more than a ruler long in terms of width, and could store my phone, tissue… Continue reading my relationship with pouch/bag dimensions.