toughing it out in a covid life.

The unprecedented events of 2020 threw everyone’s plans into the abyss. Who knew that with all the glitz and glam of the modern world, we would be reduced to be at the mercy of an invisible, microscopic organism? Homes were lived in more, appliances were utilized more, people were dabbling in their fancies and curiosities… Continue reading toughing it out in a covid life.

on personal endeavours.

It’s been about two years since I tumbled into climbing – a bit haphazardly, for signing up for a level 1 belayer course without having actual real experience in the sport. The only taster I had was climbing a mountain in Malaysia, where we had to grapple and hoist ourselves up using terrain, and I… Continue reading on personal endeavours.

asian marinades.

I took the raw chicken breast in my hand and prepared the slimey object for its fate. Placing it on the chopping board, a makeshift operating table, my fingers curled around the sharpened knife instinctively. Slice. Slice. Slice. The rhythmic movement of the blade Tok-Tok-Toking against wood as the flesh fell apart, blossomed into slices… Continue reading asian marinades.

american dreams.

I wanted something different to tune into while ironing the clothes, and this Youtube recommendation popped into my browser. Atheist to Christian at Yale. Dr Paul Lim, the featured guy in this video, was a Korean immigrant chasing the American dream, and he did have it all eventually in Yale, after enduring the pain of… Continue reading american dreams.

random life thoughts to note.

Go with what you feel, think, are at the moment. Don’t let words limit what you want to say, to squeeze into what you believe to be a proper form and content structure. There is no ‘proper’, only expectations from yourself and perhaps external influence. Respect others through your actions: some people are easy to,… Continue reading random life thoughts to note.

identity and change.

Mark Manson just recently published an article about change, and his main point is this: the moment we tie ourselves to a certain identity, change becomes unbearably difficult. Why? Because we have to abandon that identity to tweak ourselves into a different person in our minds, or we have to face the humiliating and painful… Continue reading identity and change.

marvel exhibition @ ArtScience museum.

Jet and I headed for the Marvel exhibition at the ArtScience museum over the weekend just past. While I am no *huge* Marvel fan, please enjoy these poorly curated photos of the characters from my iPhone 7 camera. Hehe. When we walked in the entrance, I was greeted by legions of curious exhibition visitors in… Continue reading marvel exhibition @ ArtScience museum.


Sometimes you just have to travel along life with people and see where you end up together, rather than expecting a clear destination defined in the friendship, or a group. The essential step in love and acceptance; outcomes are not mandatory. Learning.

a race and its humans.

What is it that compels people to jot down their personal details in boxes, filling in heir names and addresses, and circling their length of desired self inflicted torture? I did so, 6 years back, and then 4 years, and now in 2018. The discounted price was definitely an enabler to my decision to do… Continue reading a race and its humans.